For Thursday, we will read about interactive generation of caustics. Here are the two readings we'll examine:
- Chris Wyman. 2008. Hierarchical caustic maps. 2008. Proc. ACM Symp. Interactive 3D graphics and games (I3D '08), 163-171. Chris has slides, movies and code available on his website.
- Manfred Ernst, Tomas Akenine-Moeller, and Henrik Wann Jensen. 2005. Interactive rendering of caustics using interpolated warped volumes. Proc. Graphics Interface (GI '05), 87-96. Some of the math here can be intimidating, but feel free to skim over it for now.
I would like Kha Do and Nick Forrer to lead discussion of these papers. Please let me know if something will prevent this, and we'll compensate.
By the way, this paper by Ned Greene, which introduced cube mapping, is a very nice read.