Hope your vacation was a good one!
Today we'll be talking about reflections. Here are my notes. Readings on reflection will follow soon after class.
Updates: I've updated my notes a bit. Here are some of the images and demos we looked at today:
- Here is a movie of an environment mapped sphere.
- Here is an environment mapped car from Gran Turismo.
- A couple Blinn (latlong) environment maps: 1, 2.
- For sphere environment maps, see:
- Paul Debevec's light probe image gallery
- This image from an online direct3D book. The discussion of environment mapping in general is good, and includes a demo.
- There is a Nehe tutorial on sphere mapping.
- For cube maps, see:
- Nvidia has a nice tutorial on its cube mapping extension, with good imagery. It makes comparisons to sphere and parabaloid mapping.
- Here is another nice illustration from Nvidia
- ARM has a nice cube map online, and an example of using it.
- Here is a nice demo of environment mapping in general.
- For irradiance maps
- Heidrich's tutorial below has some nice images
- The Side FX package has some nice examples
- Here are some general tutorials on environment mapping:
- A 1999 SIGGRAPH course contains images and details
- There is a nice CG tutorial from Nvidia on environment mapping, with many great images and illustrations
- Wolfgang Heidrich give a nice tutorial at SIGGRAPH 2000. It compares the many ways of doing environment mapping.
- Nate Miller's demo
- On planar reflections
- Nehe's tutorial
- OpenGL.org's demo