Spotted: Generating and exploring good building layouts

It's still hard to find modeling support for designing buildings, if we're not talking citywide usage patterns, facades, or skyscrapers. This work is a step toward solving the problem. 

// published on ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)-Current Issue // visit site

Generating and exploring good building layouts

Fan Bao, Dong-Ming Yan, Niloy J. Mitra, Peter Wonka

Good building layouts are required to conform to regulatory guidelines, while meeting certain quality measures. While different methods can sample the space of such good layouts, there exists little support for a user to understand and systematically explore the samples. Starting from a discrete set of good layouts, we analytically characterize the local shape space of good layouts around each initial layout, compactly encode these spaces, and link them to support transitions across the different local spaces. We represent such transitions in the form of a portal graph. The user can then use the portal graph, along with the family of local shape spaces, to globally and locally explore the space of good building layouts.