How the course will work in 2021

Hello everyone, 

I hope you are all doing well. It's a strange world we're living in! 

This is a short note about how this course will work this semester. For those of you who have taken 461 or 561, it should feel very similar. That is, we will have recorded lectures that you view on your own, and live studios in which we discuss and work together. 

Here are the main differences from the previous class: 
  • 462/562 are combined into one virtual "classroom", but still graded a little differently. 
  • There are only a dozen or so students even combined, so things will be more personal. 
  • We will have a large programming project over about half the semester, with presentations. 
  • Students in 462 will have to do more reading than in 461. 
  • Students in 562 will have to lead discussion of two readings during the semester. 
  • No exercises! 
An administrative difference is because this class can be completed fully asynchronously, we have no scheduled class time. Instead, we will have officially optional studios, which we will schedule as "extended office hours" for 75 minutes twice per week. The first will focus more on lecture, the second more on readings. Though they are optional, you can earn extra participation credit for attending them. 

Here's what you can do to begin the course immediately, in addition to filling out the survey: 
I look forward to meeting most of you online soon! Please feel free to send me your questions at any time.

Best, ProfW