Below are the two readings for Thursday. Dale (crossing fingers!) will present both of these:
- William T. Reeves. 1983. Particle systems—a technique for modeling a class of fuzzy objects. In Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (SIGGRAPH '83), Peter P. Tanner (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 359-375. Below are some related sites and demos:
- The particle systems wiki page. This includes a reference to David MacAllister's particle API, that seems to be down.
- J. van der Burg. 2000. Building an Advanced Particle System. Gamasutra, June 23. Matching code.
- L. Latta. 2004. Building a million particle system. Gamasutra, July.
- J. Molofee. Particle engine using triangle strips. A demo at Nehe.
- Particle systems in Unity.
- The Flint particle system, based in Flash.
- Particles in Blender.
- Craig W. Reynolds. 1987. Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model. SIGGRAPH Comput. Graph. 21, 4 (August 1987), 25-34. See Craig's related site as noted in the corresponding lecture post.
- The flocking wiki page. Includes links to several demos.
Below are some additional readings focusing on billboards, which are optional:
- T. Forsyth. 2001. Imposters: adding clutter. In M. DeLoura (ed.), Game Programming Gems 2, Charles River Media, 488-496.
- G. Schaufler and W. Stuerzlinger. 1996. A three dimensional image cache for virtual reality. Computer Graphics Forum, 15, 3, 227-236.