Our readings for Thursday. Please read these and post reactions by end Thursday (normally reactions will be due a full day before we discuss). Reactions should be less than half a page, a couple paragraphs on each reading at most. They should not summarize, but instead describe any confusion, questions, or thoughts that result. We will all the discuss the readings together this week, in the future I will assign one student to lead the discussion.
- Gottschalk, S., Lin, M. C., and Manocha, D. 1996. OBBTree: a hierarchical structure for rapid interference detection. Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH, 171-180. Related site.
- Lin, M. and Canny, J. A fast algorithm for incremental distance calculation. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, 1008. Related site.
Demos: D. Christopoulos. Collision detection and physically based modelling. On Jeff Molofee's NeHe site.
Updated: we referenced the Real Time Rendering collision page, and my own collision notes. Also, I've attached my drawings from the board below.